10 Cosas sobre Google 6-10 / 10 Things about Google 6-10

English below! (Just look for the "English version" sign :-))

Anteriormente Publicado:

1. No sabes como sucedió, pero sucedió.

2. Google funciona.

3. Google te hace la vida mejor.

4. Google es diferente.

5. Google te permite ganar dinero.


6. Google es "Cool".

Hace unos años, escuché a Larry Ellison (fundador de Oracle) hablar sobre Apple, afirmando entonces (creo que en el año 97) que Apple era la única “marca viva” en el mundo de la informática…

Explicaba Larry Ellison (no recuerdo literalmente sus palabras, pero venia a decir) que Apple era una marca viva porque las personas, siendo o no usuarios de dicha empresa, sentían una involucración personal con la misma…

En los años en los que Apple estuvo a punto de desaparecer, muchas personas se preocupaban de que aquella empresa, que hacía ordenadores “tan bonitos”, pudiese desaparecer (años más tarde, el fenómeno iPod-iPhone no ha hecho más que constatar la veracidad de su afirmación).

El ejemplo es que, como sabrás, cada x tiempo, Google versiona su logotipo homenajeando a alguna persona o alguna causa en el mundo (Einstein, Da Vinci, El día de la Tierra, etc.). Ese día, sin pensarlo, te fijas más en su logotipo y seguro que haces Clic en él para ver qué resultados tiene (descubriendo de pronto cosas acerca del personaje homenajeado o la causa a la que rinden pleitesía).

Pero sobre todo, Google ha conseguido ser “otra marca viva”… Google es la empresa de moda, en el sector todo el mundo la tiene presente, cada uno de sus movimientos es analizado en miles de publicaciones, tanto en periódicos como en Blogs… Es un movimiento global y generalmente espontáneo de reconocimiento de su labor como empresa que (ya lo han cambiado), proclamaba hasta hace unos meses, aquello de “No seas Malo” (en inglés, “Do not be evil”) en su empeño de ser una empresa respetuosa y amable en sus acciones.

Precisamente, por tanto, Google es cool: millones de personas en todo el mundo han decidido utilizar sus servicios de forma voluntaria (y sobre todo, de forma orgullosa), teniendo docenas de alternativas muy buenas y gratuitas, viviendo con expectación cualquier modificación de sus servicios, o el lanzamiento de uno nuevo e, incluso, la compra de una empresa por su parte (la compra de Youtube es un gran ejemplo).

Has elegido Google y estás contento con tu elección: quizás (y seguro que tienes razón) te planteés que Google se está convirtiendo en un monopolio… Pero la cuestión es que tienes decenas de alternativas gratuitas en Internet que puedes utilizar y no lo haces…

Sigues confiando en Google quizás por desconocimiento de esas alternativas o, si las conoces, seguramente no las usas porque no satisfacen tu necesidad de velocidad, precisión o simplemente no satisfacen tu percepción personal de calidad en el servicio (que es distinta en cada persona).

No te pierdas el artículo de mañana: "Google es más que un buscador"

------------------ English Version ------------------

Previously Published:

1. You do not know how it happened, but it happened.

2. Google works.

3. Google makes your life better.

4. Google is different.

5. Google allows you to make money.


6. Google is “Cool”.

Years ago, I listened Larry Ellison (Oracle's founder) talking about Apple, affirming then (I believe that in the year 1997) Apple was the only “alive brand” in the world of computer science…

Larry Ellison explained (Don’t remember by heart his words, but more or less wanted to say) Apple was an alive brand because, people, being Apple users or not, felt a personal commitment with it…

In the years in which Apple was on the verge of disappearing, many people worried about that company, which made those “so pretty” computers, could disappear (later, the iPod-iPhone phenomenon confirmed the veracity of his affirmation).

The example is that, as you will know, each x time, Google versions it logo, honouring some person or some cause in the world (Einstein, Da Vinci, Earth’s Day and so on). That day, maybe unconsciousness, you pay more attention to it logo and that you Click to him to see what results offers (discovering, all of a sudden, things about the that very special person or cause to which they render an homage).

But mainly, Google has been able to become another “alive brand”… Google is the fashionable company, in the sector everybody keeps attention to them, each one of its movements is analyzed in thousands of publications, newspapers, Blogs… It is a global, and generally spontaneous, movement of recognition of its work as a company that (already they have changed it), it proclaimed until a few months ago, a motto: “Do not be Evil”) in his persistence of being a respectful and friendly company in its actions.

Indeed, Google is cool: millions of people around the world have decided to use their services of voluntary (and mainly, proud of), having dozens of very good and free alternatives, living with a sense of expectation any modification on its services, or the launch of one new one or, even, the purchase of a company (the purchase of Youtube is a great example).

You have chosen Google and you are happy with it: perhaps (and surely that you are right) you may think Google is becoming a monopoly… But the question is that you have tens of free alternatives on the Internet that you could use but you don’t…

Perhaps you continue trusting Google by ignorance of those alternatives or, if you know them, surely you do not use them because they do not satisfy your needs of speed, precision or simply they do not satisfy your personal service quality perception (which is different in every person).

Don't miss tomorrow's post: "Google is more than a search engine".


  1. Great Blog!

    Rob Robinson/

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for your comment and your support (though your blog is, by far, more interesting than mine :-)).

    Thanks again and regards from Spain! :-)


  3. got to love the Google!!!!!!

    nice post Paquito!!!

  4. Thank you!

    We have to recognize Google is doing some cool stuff :-)

    Thanks again for your visit (and your comment :-)


  5. Hi. It's nice to see someone write "about" technology instead of just presenting more technological facts. Your site is refreshing.

    God bless you!


  6. Hi,

    Thank you very much for your post! Nice to see you liked his humble blog :-)

    I write about many different things... This time is about Google and next week, maybe, I'll write about blueberry Pies or whatever :-)

    But, anyway, thanks very much for your visit :-)

    Looking forward to see you soon around :-)


  7. Interesting post! Altohugh I'm not sure a company producing _information_ (Google) can produce the same level of commitment of companies producing _devices_ (Apple). You can't buy a Google, nor you can show it around looking smarter :)

    Google's founders envisioned that search engines are one of the major technological cornerstones of the Internet. Internet is based on open standard technologies for interoperability. A search engine is rather a service, but becoming a standard requires indeed to be open. That was probably the only rational choice Google had (and has). It is not about generosity, philanthropy, or open-mindedness! ;)

    Now they did it, Google is a proprietary standard, like Microsoft. And, by being that, they receive all the information necessary to continue to be the standard (queries, mail etc.), and all the resources to consolidate it. And just like with Microsoft, users are getting worried about that. Don't be evil: is it a motto or an assurance to concerned user?

    Whatever, long life Google! Have you tried the other engines? No comparison! :)

    Ciao Jose'!

  8. Hi Marco,

    Thank you for your visit and your comment! :-)

    Well, first of all, from my point of view, Google doesn't produce Info but make it accessible in fact (is not a media company like TimeWarner for example).

    Of course Google is not philantrophic or similar: it's a company and their goal, at the end is earn money... Noone will discuss that (I guess).

    Point is Google bets for Open Standards! Many people is concerned about Google becoming a monopoly but, and this is my point of view, a Monopoly is not bad for being a monopoly BUT for the practices a monopoly can do (if you analyze Anti-Trust sentences you'll see everything is around Monopolistic practices: that's the key).

    We can use Live Search or Yahoo!, it's free and there's no barriers to change to another search engine, but the point is the continue using Google as other alternatives don't offer to us a certain "peace of mind" when "Googling" stuff...

    Curious thing is there must be better options (maybe specialized search engines for example) but we don't know then or we don't use them...

    Google is a company to look for... They make really great things (as Microsoft: they do real cool stuff too) and we'll see how do they behave in the future...

    Thank you very much again for your comment and looking forward to read you again here :-)



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