El más Grande Pensador Español / The Greatest Spanish Thinker Ever...

English below (as usual),


Sin palabras para vosotros (lo véis y ya está y si queréis leed lo que cuento en la versión inglesa para que entiendan la dimensión del personaje).

------------------ English Version ------------------


This is (from my humble point of view) the Greatest Spanish Thinker Ever... If you want to understand his principles, his philosophy, etc. I strongly recommend you to find a spanish person to translate everything (as he uses a very local southern spanish accent and jargon, I have to insist into Spanish people, as I think he'll be able to explain you several things like "fistro" and/or the dimension of the character here in Spain)...

He changed spanish mentality and language usage (he even has a DOOM Shooting game version you can watch in a video by clicking here)... Even, some folks create a joke using his wisdom to create an "alternate Matrix"... (Click here to watch it)

Ladies and Gentlemen, my idol...

Paquito Jan d More...


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