Viral Marketing & Back Pack it!

English below (just find the "English Version" sign :-)),


Otro update muy rápido: acabo de encontrar una campaña de Marketing Viral de (¡Mira tu por dónde!) Google acerca de su servicio GMAIL...

Mejor que explicártelo es ponerte el link para que veas de que va (y, si te apetece, que participes en ella).

Y si os gusta tener vuestra lista de cosas a hacer en plan chulo, online y gratis, pues entonces os presento "Backpack" que es una utilidad que os permite hacer precisamente eso (y unas cuantas cosillas más :-))

Y como con la campaña de Marketing viral de GMAIL, mejor que contarlo es simplemente ofreceros el link:

Fuentes: Google Official Blog y 37signals

------------------ English Version ------------------


Another quick update: Just come to find a (guess who!) Google's Viral Marketing around GMAIL...

Better than explain it is to provide the link so you can see what is this about (and, if you like, you can participate on it).

Also, for those who like to have their TO-DO Lists in a cool mood, online and for free, then I introduce you "Backpack" which is a tool that allows you to make that stuff (and some additional stuff too :-))

And, as with GMAIL's Viral Marketing campaign, better than trying to explain it is easier to provide you the link:

Sources: Google Official Blog & 37signals


  1. this sounds interesting eh? im a to-do list girl, and want things listed... will give this a try... keep the IT updates coming ;)

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for your comment... As an IT Lover, I try to find new cool software features so I'll everybody updated on things I'm testing :-)

    The Web is full of marvelous apps :-)

    Thanks again for your visit (and comment) and regards from Spain :-)



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