English below (just look for this color text),

No, no es el anuncio de alguna pelicula porno o nada por el estilo: es el escudo de la Ciudad de Amsterdam, tres equis en una bandera roja y negra... No es algo nuevo (seguro que ya lo sabias), pero como titulo de un post llama la atencion, verdad malpensados? :-)

Y, cual es el significado? Segun Wikipedia, las equis son en realidad cruces de San Andres y vienen a representar los tres valores del escudo de la ciudad "Valor, Resolucion y Piedad" (aunque dichos valores sean mucho mas antiguos que las equis)... Una tradicion popular, sin embargo, afirma que las equis representan las tres grandes amenazas de la ciudad: el agua, el fuego y la peste.

Estoy ahora mismo dandole a la Wikipedia (por cierto, perdon por la falta de acentos: estoy escribiendo un ordenata con teclado ingles) y aprendiendo cosas sobre el lugar en el que vivo. Es bueno, en mi opinion, conocer el lugar en el que vives, su historia, sus tradiciones... Tener una cierta referencia de un lugar en el que no has nacido te ayuda a la hora de entender ciertas cosas (y quizas resolver algunas preguntas que te puedas plantear al convivir en un lugar nuevo)...

Si quieres, si te apetece, si tienes tiempo o curiosidad, te pongo a continuacion un par de links para que conozcas un poquito mi nueva ciudad, Amsterdam, "La Venecia del Norte"...

Disfrutalos y, como digo desde hace tres posts: Amsterdam prevalece ;-)
Visit Amsterdam (piquinglis):

------------------ English Version ------------------


No, it is not an ad for a porno or similar: it is Amsterdam's Main Symbol, three "x" inside a red and black flag... Perhaps this is not new for you but, as a title for a post is something funny, isn't it? :-)

So, what is the meaning of that? According to Wikipedia, the x's represents Saint Andrew's crosses representing city motto: "Valor, Resolution and Mercy" (though the motto is older than the x's actually)... A popular tradition links those x's to the three greatest threads of the city: water, fire and pestilence.

I'm right now reading Wikipedia and learning things about the place where I live. It's good, in my opinion, to know the place where you live, the history and the traditions... Getting a sort of reference from a place where you weren't born helps you when trying to understand certain things (and, maybe, to resolve some questions you may have when living in a new city or country)...

If you want, if you are likely to do it, if you have some time or just curiosity, below I put you a couple of links to ease your knowlegde about my new city, Amsterdam, "The Venice of the North"...

Enjoy it and, as I say since I came here, Amsterdam Prevails ;-)



  1. Hi Jose! So now you moved to Amsterdam... You probably did the right thing! I mean, it is way cooler than Darmstadt, at least ;-)
    I'll follow your experience on the blog.
    Hope to see you soon somewhere in Europe,
    take care,

  2. Ciao Marco!

    Yep! Just moved to this city! :-)

    3 days with no Sun already! It's "cooler" than Darmstadt (or at least is in the way I remember it :-)) but not funnier for the moment (having a great italian neighbor makes life easier :-))

    If you come to The Netherlands, please, gimme a shout! :-)

    Regards from Amsterdam,

    Jose, AKA "Paquito" :-)

  3. Look for the old theme from Jacques Brel "Dans les rues de Amsterdam" and enjoy sadness.

  4. Hi,

    Thank you for your comment and your visit :-)

    I'll have a look over that song but I don't want to enjoy sadness: I have already cried a river "dans les rues de Madrid"...

    Rainy Regards :-)



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