Update: Anuncio Impactante / Update: Impressive Ad

English below (just look for the blue text),


Lo de hoy te va a dejar a cuadros: imagina por un momento que puedes viajar en el tiempo... Quiero que vuelvas exactamente a las 11:15 de la mañana del sábado 24 de Noviembre de 2007 (el día en el que este post se escribe)...

Estás viendo la tele mientras desayunas y ves este anuncio:


En la tele el anuncio se para antes de que lo haga la música con un aviso (en holandés) que dice algo sobre tener 18 años o algo así (no hablo holandés, no entiendo nada).

Estoy esperando refuerzos para que alguien me diga qué es lo que vende esta gente (al principio pensé que era un anuncio para el control de imágenes explícitas en la televisión o algo así: tenía toda la pinta)...

Impactante ¿Verdad? :-)

Lo que consiguen (aunque no entienda nada) es que veas el anuncio completo en Internet, porque la curiosidad te vence... Si ya entendiera el idioma lo bordaríamos pero esto último tiene que esperar :-))

Hoy prefiero ser breve: me he quedado petrificado cuando lo he visto en la tele (insisto: en el anuncio de televisión la cosa para justo antes de que lo haga la música)...

Amsterdam prevalece y la publicidad hoy nos ha sorprendido y hecho sonreir ;-)

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Gracias a un visitante holandés ya sabemos de qué va el anuncio... Según sus palabras (las traduzco y las pongo como Quote):
"El anuncio es de seguros. Para ser más exactos, es sobre un seguro médico y su objetivo es captar a gente joven (de ahí el sugerente mensaje sexual del anuncio). La idea es que el seguro es barato (desde 84,85 Euros, lo cual es bastante barato en Holanda) Y puedes pedir 50 condones gratis cuando te hagas el seguro... Es por eso que han hecho el anuncio de esa forma :-)"
------------------ English Version ------------------


Today you're going to flip: imagine you can go back in time... I want you to go to 11:15 in the morning of November the 24th (that means the day this post was written...

You're watching the television while you have your breakfast when, all of a sudden, you watch the following ad:


On the tele the ad stops before the music does it in the version you've just seen (please, before continue reading if you didn't click on the link, do it :-)) with a sort of warning advice (in Dutch) saying something around having 18 years (I don't understand anything at all: I don't speak Dutch).

I'm waiting for someone to get an explanation around the thing this people sells (at the beginning I thought it was an ad to create awareness around explicit materials on television or something like that: it looks like)...

Quite impressive, right? :-)

What they get (even though I didn't understand anything) is that you finally go to the site to watch what is going on (and then see the full ad) 'cause the curiosity is there... If I could understand the language that would be great but, for now, that must wait :-))

I prefer to be brief today: I was petrified when I watched in the tele (I repeat: the TV ad finish before the music does it on the Internet Ad)...

Amsterdam prevails and, curiously one ad, today, has surprised and made us smile ;-)

UPDATE: Thanks to a Dutch visitor we know now what the ad is selling... Quoting his own words:
The ad is indeed about insurance. More precisely, it's about health insurance and they aim their campaign at younger people (hence the sexual suggestive character of the ad). The idea is that the insurance is cheap (starting at €84,85, which is quite cheap in NL) AND you can order 50 free condoms when you take their insurance.. That's why they have the advertisement made the way it's made now :)



  1. Hi Josè! Nice to see that you are taking care of your sentimental education up there in Amsterdam!

    I also don't know Dutch, but by mixing my English and German knowledges I can guess that the website is about insurances (verzekeren -> versicherung?). For example, if you have a colleague like the girl in the ad, you probably need a good doctor for heart attacks...



  2. Hahahahahaha! :-)))

    Ciao Marco! :-)

    Thank you for your visit: I also thought that but I'm not sure about the type of insurance they sell (I think it's legal insurance in case you have legal problems or similar: not sure).

    Anyway, it's good to read you here (it's great to see great people around this humble place :-)).

    Wishing to read you more often here :-)

    Kind regards from Amsterdam and, of course, thanks for your visit and your comment :-)


  3. Hi,

    The ad is indeed about insurance. More precisely, it's about health insurance and they aim their campaign at younger people (hence the sexual suggestive character of the ad). The idea is that the insurance is cheap (starting at €84,85, which is quite cheap in NL) AND you can order 50 free condoms when you take their insurance.. That's why they have the advertisement made the way it's made now :)

    I have never seen it, but then again I have been living in Finland for 3 months already.



  4. Dear visitor! :-)

    Thanks for coming and writing this comment: I'm going to update the post right now with your feedback (good 2 see how readers participate! Thanks! :-))

    Thank you very much and kind regards from Amsterdam!



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